Lately i have been driving to college, and i usually park at the same parking place, which is the housing area opposite of metropolitan, so the first week i park there, my car is polished with normal bird shit..and i dont mind, cos i invaded their jamban place, then 2nd week, when i went to collect my car after class, i saw red shit, RED LOR, which also has a few white color seeds, which i think the bird that shat on my car earlier ate some hot stuffs, maybe sambal, so i dont mind la, cos red shit, although i think it is rare, but it is still shit...but today hor, i went to collect my car after carrying some books into eve's car, then when i was approaching my car, i knoe sure got some shit...but i never expected it to be PURPLE COLOR SHIT!! WTF! PURPLE LAR! U SEE B4 OR NOT?? weird rite, i also think this is weird, but don worry, i dont know why i brought my camera to college today, so i took some pix liao, hahaha, SO I GOT PROVE..and now i am wondering what shit will i encounter when i park the next week? RAINBOW ARH?? cis, anyway, everyone of us is rushing assignments this week, we have a very hectic schedule this week, but luckily everyone of us nearly completed all of it, i only left 1 more assignment to go, eve,cartman and lucy left 1 presentation, cart got 1 more assignment which is same wif me, so all of us gambatte la!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Tulis by
Wednesday, October 04, 2006