Its been such a long time since my last update, it seems that only eve are updating frequently,hahaha, nothing special happen this few days, except we went to galaxy last friday, and eve said some humsup words accidently, for 2 weeks she said sentences that make us all luff, especially cart and me,hahahaha, last 2 week she said " my water is flowing, dripping" (translate it) which means something pervert...if u have pervert mind,haha, and then...on galaxy, once we enter the room she started to select plenty of songs to sing, then when we look at her, she told us to PENETRATE HER! omfg!! me and cart so shock for 2 seconds, and we luff non stop,hahahahaha, actually she said " nei dei chap ngo lar" sorry, my canto no good,kaka, which means u all penetrate me la, rite?? but actually she told us she haven't finish her sentence which goes " nei dei chap ngo geh gor lar" -translate- "you all bring some songs up la", but still, that sentence make both of us go wild,kakakak, and she said it twice!! she is EVIL-LYN! that is one funny story at galaxy la, i will remember eve for the rest of my life. haha
Sunday, October 29, 2006
my fren eve
Tulis by
Sunday, October 29, 2006