Friday, December 22, 2006

Blue Christmas

Went to the curve yesterday
Their decorations for Christmas this year is Blue Christmas
Nice right
Feels like you are in another fantasy world
Like a dream

Look into the ball, its us, special right
I like this one, 3 of us looks so cute
What a huge Christmas Tree
Happy Birthday

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Carter

Dear Carter,
This is a birthday blog which specially dedicate for you
To wish you a very happy birthday

This is your horoscope

It's today

It's 21 Dec and it's your birthday
Celebrate it
because you only have one 20 years old
throughout your entire lifetime

Get well soon

May the minutes be swift,
the hours be short,
and the days be few
till you're well again.

Remember to take extra care of yourself
we are all waiting you
to recover from your sick
and to share more and more
great moments with us

This is life

I know it's been a really bad time
but don't give up
everything will soon gone past us
bad things made us a stronger person tomorrow
Just believe in yourself
like how we believe in you


When you are in need of help
don't forget to pick up the phone
our hand will always reserve for you
and we'll be there for you

Wishing you health, wealth, love luck
all at the best part

I purposely find a lion

just like you

From the animals in the zoo
and friends everywhere
wishing you
Happy Birthday!!!
Must enjoy your birthday k
Must be the happiest one

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

frEns iM bacK!!!

is been so long that i dint log in and post some blog here...!!!! finally im back!!!!!!!
i had a terrible sick and my mom can and pick me up from subang to taiping.! and my sis come and drive my car back as well.!!!! i really got no energy to move at all..!!! just like a STUPID person lying there..!!!!
back to hometown.!!! i stay in "first class hospital" ( tht's my house la) got ppl to serve me ( my mom my dad and my sis... thanks alot muacks.. love ur all) and got alot food to eat..!!!!i dunno why this month (dec) is really a bad month for me.... i sick untill now also not yet fully recover,,!!! i had consult alot Doc and specialist also the same, but got abit change la of coz...!!!! i really spen alot money,,!!! felt so guilty! then been grounded for 2 weeks in hometown.!!! finally im back to subang to celebrate my 20th bday!!!!
haha..but still sick and moody la...!!!! i not in the bday mood at all..!!! so bored and down!!!! cause of some bad news la.!( i dont 1 to mention n dont wish ppl to know as well) mayb i sick cause of the presure and stress!!!!!
from the early of the month,,, i really learn alot of things.... face alot of prob...!!!!! alot up and down!!!! haih!!!! and really happy that i got u guys to support behind me.!!! you guys shuold know who u are la.... ok really thnaks alot...!!!!!!so touch to hear from u guys.!!!!!when i was sick.!but too bad i dint inform u guys that i sick.. i dont wan ur all to worry me..!!!! and i FFK ur all to go redbox..!!! so so so sorry!!! dont angry me ok... thurs we go again!!! ok..
well..... this year bday ......... i cant really feel the mood cant really enjoy the mood!!! i duno y???hope everything will be ok soon.!!!!! i really hope.!!!!!!
christmas???? i will be in Penang... HOPE THERE IS NO TSUNAMI AGAIN OK...!!!! i'm too young to die la..!!!!! somemore i booked hotel in Ferringi.!!! so scary....!!!
well... tht's all from me..!!!! will update soon... ok...!! more happening things will be update soon.....
see ya around,,, chill...!!!!!!!

wanna share nice songs with u guys.!!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Looking Forward

3v3 where is your hand?

After the sad news last night
We plan to sing away all the bad things
So we went Red Box
It's the 3 of us again
This time without cart
Hope he's fine
Everything will pass
Just look forward
It's been a long time we didn't hang out together
Meanwhile many things happened among us
Everyone has their story to tell
After all
We are still the innocent and pure ones compare to others
While singing we noticed a lot of teenagers passed by
When we call them kids
We realize that we are becoming older and older
Our 21st birthday is around the corner
Time flies
A year passes by just like this

It's Christmas time again
Saw this wonderful Christmas tree in pyramid and can't help snap shot pictures
The tree is so huge but we are so tiny
"When I am small the Christmas tree are tall"
But I think no matter how big I grow won't be taller than this Christmas tree
My wish for this Christmas
Hope that everyone of us
Will have a better and smoother year for 2007
Life is about looking forward
So don't look back


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Results will be out tomorrow and now the only thing that everyone can do is praying and hoping to pass all the subjects.

While I'm praying for myself I pray for you all as well.
An angel's heart is always so kind.

Just remember no matter what happened, don't give up, don't lose your dreams and hope.
The angel is always right beside you to help and guide you when you need her.

Monday, December 11, 2006

愛情沒TAKE 2




一個擁有幸福家庭的男人,在陰差陽錯的情況之下救了一個天使,所以天使就給了他一個願望。他想了想,對天使如果生命有take 2,可以重來的話就好了。天使答應了他,並對他你就好好享受你的人生吧!等你想要重來的時候,只要心理想我,一切就會恢復原狀了!

那個人听了雀躍萬分,心想我可以做一切我想要做的事情了。在回家的路上,他看見了毒販,就經不起誘惑買了一些毒品來嘗試。果然,那是一種飄飄欲仙的感覺。回到家後,他立即和平日嘮叨不停的老婆離婚了,然後娶了一個年輕貌美的新老婆。再來就是儘量地又嫖又賭,放縱自己,讓自己墮落,嘗試一些以前永遠不敢做的事情。因為毒癮和賭癮常常發作,他很快就破產了,新老婆也離他而去,同時,他發現自己得了愛滋病……這時,他的前妻卻默默地回到他的身邊照顧他。他百思不解,開口問道我以前那樣對你,你為什麼還要回來呢?她默默不語,只流下兩行淚。那個人愧疚萬分,頓時大悟,從夢中醒了過來。只見天使在他身邊說道你現在了解為什麼生命不可以有take 2了吧?生命之所以可貴,是因為生命不能重來啊!所以人們才會懂得珍惜身邊的一切。

生命沒有take 2,所以大家都盡量小心翼翼地選擇自己想要的生活。因為一旦作了抉擇,就無法再回頭了……因為我們並沒有那麼幸運,遇到可以讓我們重來的天使。那愛情呢?如果愛情也沒有take 2,那大家是否會小心而且更認真地看待愛情呢?隨時代的變遷,談戀愛的年齡已經越來越年輕化,甚至連小學生也開始談戀愛了,在心智以及各方面都尚未成熟、獨立的情況下,分手的幾率當然異常的高。


因為愛情總是可以重來,如果對第一段感情不滿意,隨時可以結束,然後展開新的一段戀情。只要生命還沒結束,愛情就隨時可以更新。然而,若愛情沒有take 2,一個人一生只能愛一個人,可能就不會有人因感覺變淡而分手了,更不會有第三者的出現。而且也沒有人敢冒冒然地愛,不會有人為了嘗試愛情而愛,更不會有人荒謬到為了吸取更多的愛情經驗而愛。考慮清清楚楚了才愛,愛了就要全心付出,絕不回頭……這樣的想法會不會只是一種夢想?這種願望是不是很難達成?




Thursday, December 07, 2006


Today went Red Box again but with different gang of friends
I can't manage to wake up on time
When Lucy call me only I wake up but it's already 11.50
So we are late
Luckily Poh & Yan manage to reach there on time
This is the first time we hang out with Yan after she recovered
It's great to see her
And Poh will be leaving us to Sydney on 2nd Feb 2007
Will miss this funny girl a lot
So we must hang out more often during this holiday
After Red Box just like any other days we went Kim Gary yum cha
Laughing non-stop because of Poh
Shylin is the last to come but the first to leave
Then I'm the second to leave
Poh got second round in Red Box
Yan & Lucy go shopping
Our meet-up ends here

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

God Bless You

Many things happened recently
We planed to go Red Box today and booked for room
Who knows
Last night Cart went hospital due to food poisoning and gastric
So his parents came to bring him back to Taiping
Today in the middle of singing karaoke Kel's sis went in hospital and he needs to leave immediately
4 person's room left Lucy and me
Now only I know 2 people sing karaoke is a very bored thing
We get to sing any song that we want
No one fight with us
Every minute slows down
We waited very long to reach 3pm
Hope everyone will be fine soon
My angel will bless you all