Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Carter

Dear Carter,
This is a birthday blog which specially dedicate for you
To wish you a very happy birthday

This is your horoscope

It's today

It's 21 Dec and it's your birthday
Celebrate it
because you only have one 20 years old
throughout your entire lifetime

Get well soon

May the minutes be swift,
the hours be short,
and the days be few
till you're well again.

Remember to take extra care of yourself
we are all waiting you
to recover from your sick
and to share more and more
great moments with us

This is life

I know it's been a really bad time
but don't give up
everything will soon gone past us
bad things made us a stronger person tomorrow
Just believe in yourself
like how we believe in you


When you are in need of help
don't forget to pick up the phone
our hand will always reserve for you
and we'll be there for you

Wishing you health, wealth, love luck
all at the best part

I purposely find a lion

just like you

From the animals in the zoo
and friends everywhere
wishing you
Happy Birthday!!!
Must enjoy your birthday k
Must be the happiest one