ok... let me tell u guys a very very very dramatic deep shit tht happen on me.....
on the 13 of Nov i lost my car early in the morning when im sitting for exam..... and on the 21st of Nov ..............( now the story go like this..............)
on the 21 Nov.... early in the morning sis wake me up ask me to go lunch with her in TGI then only go mid valley work... so both of us get ready and get out from our house.
when we were out from the house coincident my house mate also going out... so he open the door for us. ( and now this is the climax part)
When i drive out my car i saw one black vios where look so familiar to me... so i asked my sis " Is tht my car?" sis ask me not to think about it ad since ad lost...... but i insist tell her is my car so i show her..... and now sister realise THAT IS MY CAR....
Both of us really dunno wat to do so i end up call my dad and ask .... so he asked us to call police... so i called and no 1 pick up ( this is Malaysia police service) so end up i need to drive there so look for police.....
when i reach Sunway police station.... i very panic and i asked the police to help me out and u know wat?? THEY EVENTUALLY ASK ME TO WAIT FOR THEM FINISHED THEIR WORK
WAT THE FUCK IS THIS??? are they scare to catch the ppl or wat??? mahai i nearly scolded them but i need their help so got no choice to be extra TAHAN with them.....
When i drive the police to my house... my car lost again.. im so so so so sad when i see my car lost again..... it's like a knife cut very very deep inside... so pain..... The police asked me to chill and they will work things out....
so end up i decide to go lunch then work... but who knows my sis bf saw my car in Sunway Industry park....... and i quickly ask the police to go over there.... so 5 of them drive there and Spot for the CB ppl who stole my car
About 2 hours later................
me and my sis and sis bf eating around there.. and suddenly my housemate called me up and ask me about my car... so i ask him did he saw my car when we all go out this morning... he said he din notice so im stil ok with it.......
10 min later.... my housemate called me again.. ask me to go back home now... it's so wired tht why he ask me to back home so sudden....... so i don bother and i still eat with my sis.... again he called and ask me to back ASAP and the background sounds wired to me so i quickly ask sis to go back with me..... and i cancel my work today ....
How can a guy who i duno and he can stole my car?? how??/ why??? and WHY HIM??? i don even talk to him ..... when i reach home he's been INTERVIEW by the police... i felt so sad and guilty coz why is him????
Q: how come he stole my car??
well.... he told me he Lend from me and i Borrow him. WTF who are u why should i do tht???
he actually wanted to pick up his GF for shopping and dating.... mahai............
Q: how come he got my car key??
He told me he got it downstair... tht's a very very Lame and stupid answer where i don put my car key downstair i only put in it my room... and he eventually got me and my sis room key... so scary la him.. i think he's abit KONG KONG ad....
my car now look so UGLY and wired ad.... no more leng chai and Yeng like last time ad... haih.. sad..... somemore cant change car.... coz i need $$ to buy house.................
-[c a r t]-
For more infor pls call me and ask me... coz i lazy to type so fucking long story and so drama... think of it also Piss..............
Friday, November 28, 2008
a drama + busy+ tired + broke week
Tulis by
Friday, November 28, 2008