at last, waited for such a long time to enter this page to msn, always giving us problems, dc or cant log in, i'm gonna ask datin go to fuxx that msn, anyway, eve ask me to blog since i dont blog that often anymore, yesterday is my last midterm subject which is tourism management, i reached college late, and i dont know where is the exam hall... being so panic as usual, i go up to room 3.6 and found NO ONE... and i was like OMG, i miss le, sei lor, then, i go to cafeteria and find peter, cos being so suey(malang) that day, my phone no credit, luckily peter lend me his HP and i call EVE, the one that blogs below me..BUT...eve doesnt pick up her HP, and i am more panic now,hahahaha, then suddenly, MY SUPERMAN APPEAR...he is a bangladeshi! hahaha, okla, quite good looking, like bollywood star, he is actually my class mate for tourism, so i quickly ask him "wat class??!" and he told me "har?? no class la, dey!? ( i add dey, indians like to use, i am not racist,haha) NOW EXAM!!" then i know he is mis-interpreted by what i mean, then i told him "ya, ya, exam, what hall?" and he points right in front...LECTURE 3, which is so near to me yet i dont know and run up and down, feel like hitting something!(*pause* JERRY!!)hahaha.. i did not do cruel things ok! and continue, i went in to the lecture hall, and sat down to do my do do do,by the way, we r only given 1hour to do the test and after nearly completing mine, a part of the students finished theirs and started to leave the hall including eve, but after that, someone knock the door! and guess what, it is a student which is suppose to take this subject also, and he said "can i still take the test"but he is dam late, and my lecturer spoke with him outside and by that time i submitted my paper and left the hall, i saw him outside and the bangla star(my superman) and my lecturer is discussing with him, nvr pay much attention, except i heard the bangla says "take mc la, can retake", haha, after that moment i was thinking, what if that is me?? sure damn down one, luckily i came on time and found the hall, i dont want to miss my exam because i am lost in a college that i have been in for 2 years! and i cant take the test!,haha, long story.. cheong hei! finally--> mid-term exam is over, it is such a relieve, but there is still finals to go on.. hate it, there is also assignments to hand up, so much work to do, but so little time( quote from eve msn,haha). If u read our blog, there is a post about us going to redbox main main, it is relli fun that day. erm..i think thats all, if i have chance i will blog more,so c ya!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
wo lai le!
Tulis by
Tuesday, September 12, 2006